Date 06-19-24 11:00
Lelio8452 |
Round 1º |
0,5 Lelio8452 is removed from the sleeve a UPPERCUT . A blow too slow since Antonio6305 manages to dodge it. |
1 The opponent of Lelio8452 see coming a FLICKER right to the chin . It looks like a very solid punch. Goes throught the guard of Antonio6305 and hits. (-6.304 ) (+10% ) Lelio8452 surrounds his rival with another cutting FLICKER. Hit the air because Antonio6305 manages to dodged it. |
1,5 Antonio6305 throws a combination, it seems that he looks for openings in the guard of Lelio8452. |
2 Lelio8452 not drop the pace and throws a RIGHT HAND . Antonio6305 keeps his guard firm. (-1.361 ) |
2,5 Lelio8452 uses its set of feet to impose the pace but Antonio6305 exceeds him. |
3 Antonio6305 charge against his rival with an avalanche of punches, leaving its rival one opening is going to pay so expensive. Lelio8452 guard took cover after making a few strokes block (-8.056 ) Antonio6305 continues to accelerate, it does combine lightning fast punches. Lelio8452 dodge one after another, it seems impossible to hit him! A fabulous FLURRY! |
End of round
Boxers go to their respective corners. The rythm of the assault has been imposed by both boxers. The judges have ruled 4 extra points for Lelio8452 and 7 extra points for Antonio6305. 6 , 97% , 100% . 7 , 97% , 100% . |
Round 2º |
0,5 Lelio8452 takes the initiative and runs a UPPERCUT going to the stomach . Antonio6305 blocks it with his defense. (-1.167 ) |
1 Antonio6305 tries to impose his pace of feet but Lelio8452 imposes himself. |
1,5 Antonio6305 not stop throwing punches FLURRY is extremely fast!. Lelio8452 guard took cover after making almost every shot block (-4.017 ) Antonio6305 reloads against his rival, the avalanche of hits is overwhelming. Thanks to its extraordinary agility Lelio8452 never ceases to dodge blows Nice FLURRY! Without thinking it Lelio8452 prepares to launch a counterattack. (+9,6% ) Lelio8452 attacks with a FLICKER . Antonio6305 has received a good blow. (-3.547 ) |
2 Antonio6305 movements are accelerated, combined one, five, ten ... FLURRY!. The rapid reaction is allowing Lelio8452 dodge all the blows Antonio6305 continues to accelerate, it does combine lightning fast punches. Lelio8452 stands firm in his guard blocking the majority of impacts (-5.593 ) A perfect FLURRY! |
2,5 Lelio8452 rotates the hip, it has launched a UPPERCUT . A blow too slow since Antonio6305 manages to dodge it. |
3 Antonio6305 launches a LEFT PUNCH searching the jaw . Lelio8452 balance your body manages to avoid the blow. |
End of round
Boxers go to their respective corners. The rythm of the assault has been imposed by both boxers. The judges have ruled 4 extra points for Lelio8452 and 7 extra points for Antonio6305. 11 , 99% , 92% . 14 , 100% , 98% . |
Round 3º |
0,5 Lelio8452 tries to surprise his opponent with a FLICKER going to the stomach . It goes through Antonio6305 guard and hits (-3.453 ) (+10% ) Lelio8452 does not stop and throws another FLICKER. Antonio6305 keeps his guard firm. (-3.016 ) Nice FLICKER JAB! |
1 Without thinking twice Antonio6305 takes the initiative and launches a LEFT PUNCH looking for the chin . Full impact on Lelio8452. (-8.057 ) |
1,5 Lelio8452 rotates the hip, it has launched a FLICKER right to the chin . Antonio6305 absorbs part of the impact by stiffening the guard. (-5.349 ) (+5% ) Lelio8452 throws a quick second FLICKER. The coup lashes out in full to his opponent. (-6.006 ) A fabulous FLICKER JAB! |
2 Without thinking twice Lelio8452 runs a FLICKER to the stomach . Antonio6305 blocks it with his defense. (-2.792 ) (+5% ) Lelio8452 does not stop and throws another FLICKER. Antonio6305 keeps his guard firm. (-1.371 ) It has been an excellent book FLICKER JAB. |
2,5 Lelio8452 hits frantically, it seems to have gone into a trance. |
3 Lelio8452 has led Antonio6305 against the corner of the ring. (+50% ) The opponent of Lelio8452 see coming a UPPERCUT directed to the face . Antonio6305 goes back to dodge the blow. Without thinking it Antonio6305 prepares to launch a counterattack. (+8,7% ) Antonio6305 is removed from the sleeve a JAB going to the stomach . Lelio8452 absorbs part of the impact by stiffening the guard. (-1.306 ) |
End of round
Boxers go to their respective corners. The rythm of the assault has been imposed by Lelio8452. The judges have ruled 10 extra points for Lelio8452 and 4 extra points for Antonio6305. 24 , 97% , 100% . 20 , 92% , 100% . |
Round 4º |
0,5 Antonio6305 charge against his rival with an avalanche of punches, leaving its rival one opening is going to pay so expensive. Lelio8452 resists blocking the avalanche of blows (-2.167 ) Antonio6305 does not lose their composure and combines another round of blows very fast. Lelio8452 stands firm in his guard blocking the majority of impacts (-4.123 ) It has been an excellent book FLURRY. |
1 Lelio8452 is removed from the sleeve a UPPERCUT to the face . Antonio6305 goes back to dodge the blow. |
1,5 The opponent of Antonio6305 see coming a JAB . Lelio8452 goes back to dodge the blow. |
2 Without thinking twice Antonio6305 runs a RIGHT HAND . Lelio8452 harassed with a FLICKER, Antonio6305 does not lose the balance and it continues to advance. Full impact on Lelio8452. (-12.423 ) |
2,5 Lelio8452 takes the initiative and runs a FLICKER . A blow too slow since Antonio6305 manages to dodge it. |
3 Lelio8452 tries to maintain control of the fight imposing his rhythm. |
End of round
Boxers go to their respective corners. The rythm of the assault has been imposed by both boxers. The judges have ruled 4 extra points for Lelio8452 and 8 extra points for Antonio6305. 28 , 91% , 100% . 30 , 94% , 100% . |
EndThe battle has ended, in the center of the ring the referee holds the hands of the boxers. He is ready to proclaim the winner. The judges have dictaminated the fight by points. The winner is Antonio6305 with a total of 30 points over the 28 points scored by Lelio8452. |