Date 07-04-24 02:47
Valeriano435 |
Round 1º |
0,5 Both fighters begin to exchange blows but Valeriano435 halfway back just before the impossibility of returning Silvano1113 blows. |
1 Without thinking twice Silvano1113 takes the initiative and launches a right RIP . A blow too slow since Valeriano435 manages to dodge it. |
1,5 Silvano1113 is removed from the sleeve a RIP . Valeriano435 blocks it with his defense. (-6.444 ) |
2 Without thinking twice Silvano1113 takes the initiative and launches a right BOLADO . Valeriano435 was hit directly (-134.556 ) Valeriano435 crashes to the ground. () |
2,5 Exhaustion seems to have taken its toll on Valeriano435 because it fails to move. Ladies and gentlemen the referee signals the end of combat. K.O.! |
EndThe battle has ended, in the center of the ring the referee holds the hands of the boxers. He is ready to proclaim the winner. Silvano1113 is the winner of the match by KO. |